Jeff Grabosky (Grabs)

General Information~

Name: Jeff Grabosky (Grabs)

Age: 17

Grade: 12

Gender: male

Height: 6 ft 02 in

Weight: 143

Eye Color: Green

Lucky Numbers: 3; 2,883

XC Related~

Why did you do XC? Hmmmm.. well I did sprinting for a while in grade school but I didn't like running fast so I decided to run slow for a long distance. Well, it didn't quite end up working out that way but I got hooked when I started winning stuff in eighth grade and continued it in high school. And one of the best parts of it that kept me running was the friends and the jokes and that stuff. *When Dave Andril answers this quesions, I hope he remembers that I dragged him to the first XC meeting and he hated me for it (probably still does)

Part of XC course: Coming out of the back woods because after a grueling three miles, its where you see what you are really made of


Food: Chalupas

Band/Music Group: Dave Matthews

School period: AP Lunch

Movie(s): Matrix; Gladiator

Thing to do when it's raining and there's nothing to do: Play guitar, keyboard, sax

TV show(s): Simpsons

Sport(s) to play: XC; Basketball (But not in season-right coach?); Football; Golf; Polo(Just kidding)

Sport(s) to watch: Baseball (Go Phillies!!!) and running events at the olympics

Quote: "Uh-ohhhh. Thats not good" -James Lee
(Sorry James, but it is my favorite)

A Look into the Future~

Preferred College(s): Notre Dame;Duke; Boston College; Princeton; Villanova

Future Career: Major in Finance Minor in Comp Sci & Music and get my Masters in Marketin


Shoutouts to:
Andril- goin back to the shore next year? oh yeahhh!! Long live SIRC!
James- You Are THE MAN! You are the funniest and smartest kid, what a combo. Don't buy New Balance James, u know why (yeah I know he was wrong)
Will the Thrill Tang (thats it will)
EDDIE LEE: remember..its a whole new world (PNC reception center)
Steve Chen: Awesome job on this page man
Merce: Find any soup around lately?
mmmmmmmSEDGE: learn how to do a push-up man! Taco Bell conversations last year, oh man
Jeff Chen: Work on your 15 foot jump shot and I'll work on my half-courters
Coach: Mets r gonna choke!
To anyone I forgot, I'm sorry

Additional Comments: I love my pickup truck